The Fathering Project in Schools is about supporting staff and fathers to build our community of positively engaged families – for the benefit of the kids.

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As Dads or father figures of girls at St Vincent’s College we think our daughters are pretty darn good.  We have invested in their education and personal development because we want them to realise their full potential, be the best that they want to be.  To help them do this we think it is important that we are role models for them as Fathers, and as men.  That we support them and are involved in their lives.

Sometimes this is just sitting down on the steps and having a chat, and sometimes it can be more… much more.  At the Fathering Project we seek to work together to enrich our daughters lives, provide ideas and support to dad’s, and enjoy and celebrate fatherhood.

Our daughters learn from us by watching how we act, how we treat those around us and by simple observation.  Guidance comes through osmosis and rarely through direction.

It is only by spending time with our daughters and by being involved in their lives and their school that we can facilitate these opportunities.
They don’t learn from us by telling them what to do.  What Teenage girl has ever listened to her dad? Any yet they love being around us and having us share in their journey. Join us! Mal, Nav, Peter & Don.

St Vincent's College would like to invite all fathers and significant father figures to be a part of the the Fathering Project's lead group. The lead group would assist in initiatives of the Fathering Project. Please click the Dads Group expression of interest form link to register your interest.

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Dads and Daughters

The Dad and Daughters eBook gives everyday tips to inspire and encourage fathers and father-figures to be more engaged with their kids. This eBook contains simple advice for dads with daughters – regardless of their individual family and work situations – and for father-figures such as grandfathers, stepfathers, youth leaders, uncles, teachers, pastors and coaches.

The learnings are based on the National Fathering Project's research - and years of experience supporting fathers and father-figures. The eBook is brought to you by Prof. Bruce Robinson and The Fathering Project.

To view Dads and Daughters eBook click here

Fathering Daughter Sleepout

Father/Daughter Events

Since March 2020, COVID has limited events that we were able to hold on campus impacting many areas of the College including the Fathering Project. The College has teamed up with the National Fathering Project and the P&F to reinvigorate our Fathering Project. Due to the uncertainty around restrictions we will relaunch the Program with a Fathers and Father-figures webinar in 2022.

In 2022 we will see the return of Father/Daughter Sleep-out when we can finally come together and celebrate in true Vinnies style.

Raising Daughters

These tips are from a special E-Book series created by The Fathering Project to help dads to reach out for advice and recognise that their most important job is fathering.

Whilst you can’t cover everything about dads and daughters in a short four – part series, The Fathering Project endeavours to cover the key areas of information to help you on your father-daughter journey. Read More



We know it has been hard for so many during the COVID-19 period, so we felt it was important to bring a bit of joy, love and happiness into our homes

If you have any questions, please contact the Advancement Office.