Years Seven and Eight (Stage 4)

Students follow a common curriculum comprising Religious Studies, English, Mathematics, Science, History, Geography, Languages (French or Italian), Technology, Visual Arts, Music and Personal Development, Health and Physical Education.

Years Nine and Ten (Stage 5)

Students follow a core curriculum which comprises Religious Studies, English, Mathematics, Science, Australian History, Australian Geography, Civics and Citizenship and Personal Development, Health and Physical Education. Additional studies reflecting the students’ abilities and interests are chosen from Commerce, Dance, Design and Technology, Drama, French, Geography, History, Italian, iSTEM, Music, Photography and Digital Media, Physical Activity and Sports Studies, Textiles Technology, Food Technology and Visual Arts.

Years Eleven and Twelve (Stage 6)

All students must undertake courses in Studies of Religion and English.

Additional studies offered at St Vincent’s College are:

English Advanced (2U), English Standard (2U), English Extension 1 (1U), English Extension 2, Mathematics Standard 1 and 2 (2U), Mathematics (2U), Mathematics Extension 1 (1U), Physics (2U), Chemistry (2U), Biology (2U), Design & Technology (2U), Economics, Textiles Technology (2U), Earth & Environmental Science (2U), Society & Culture (2U), Studies of Religion (1U), Studies of Religion (2U), Ancient History (2U), Modern History (2U), Business Studies (2U), Legal Studies (2U), French Continuers (2U), Drama (2U), Dance (2U), PDHPE (2U), Community and Family Studies (2U), Visual Arts (2U), Entertainment Industry CUA30420 (VET course), Music Course 1 (2U), Music Course 2 (2U), TAFE Delivered VET courses (2U), Hospitality Curriculum Framework TAFE delivered (2U)

Year Twelve

Additional extension courses are offered to Year 12 students including:

Mathematics Extension 2 (1U), English Extension 2 (1U), History Extension (1U), French Extension (1U), Music Extension (1U) and Science Extension (1U).

Learning Support

(The Diverse Learning program is offered at St Vincent’s College as a whole school approach and is guided by the Sisters of Charity Values; Mary Aikenhead Educational Philosophy; Ignatian pedagogy; NESA guidelines for Special Education; NSW Department of Education and Training Special Education Students Policy, and NSW Department of Education and Training Gifted and Talented Students Policy.)

As St Vincent's College is not academically selective we are ready and able to support students requiring extension or extra support in all or some of their subjects.

Contact the Director of Teaching and Learning:
Ms Alison Boyd-Boland




Religious Studies

Diverse Learning




Performing Arts


Technological and Applied Studies (TAS)

Visual Arts