Keeping the connection with our ex-students and friends of the College is vital to nourishing our community and is a large part of why the Vinnies spirit is so special. Are you an ex-student? Then please stay in touch. We appreciate you taking the time to update your contact details for the College ex-Student records.

Our community is at the heart and strength of our College and our ex-students play an important part. The College is blessed to have a strong and active Ex-Students' Union who continue to work closely with the College and the fellowship of ex-students.

Ex-students are always warmly welcomed back to the College, if you would like to visit or organise a reunion tour then please get in touch. If you would like to find out more about getting involved with the College, volunteering your time and making a donation please contact the College's Advancement Office.

Events and Reunions

The reunions currently scheduled for 2024 are:

Class of 1984
40 Years Reunion

When: Saturday 5 October 2024

Where: The Winery – Private Dinning,  285a Crown Street Surry Hills NSW 2010

Time: 12:00pm – 5:00pm

RSVP: 16 September 2024 using this link, payment details are within the link.

The Class of 2019

When: 12 October 2024, 2pm

Please contact Grace McGree for more information

The Class of 2004

When: 19 October 2024

Please contact Gemma McHugh (Madigan-Beach)

Class of 1989 35th reunion

When:  Saturday 9th November.

Details to come

Class of 1974 - 50 Year Reunion

Sunday 10th November

Further details

The Class of 1964

When: Friday 22 November 2024

Please contact Sandra Baz at

We would love to hear from you if your class reunion is approaching! To ensure that we reach as many people as possible and to plan an event that will be an enjoyable opportunity to catch up and reconnect with your classmates please contact us


Our Archives are a treasured part of our St Vincent’s College story, providing current students and visitors to the school with an appreciation of the history and traditions of the College.

We are fortunate to have uniforms, mementoes, school reports and more from our alumnae.

We are always grateful to receive historical items to add to the existing collection and for future display. Arrangements for the donation of archival items and general enquiries can be made by contacting or calling 02 9368 1611.

Webpage Graphic for Vinnies Voices Launch (1).jpg

Vinnies Voices

Vinnies Voices is a podcast hosted by Natarsha Belling (Class of 1992) showcasing inspirational and courageous Alumnae. Come on the journey as they share with us their secrets to success, life advice and their time at Vinnies

Listen to Vinnies Voices

Further Information:

The Advancement Office acts as a point of contact and liaison between the College and ex-students and supports the work of the St Vincent's College Ex-Students' Union.

Phone: 02 9368 1611

Keep up-to-date with news from the SVC Ex-Students' Union by visiting and joining the Ex-Students' Facebook and LinkedIn groups.

Alumnae Contact Update

We would love to keep in touch with our St Vincent's College alumnae - please help us keep your contact details up-to-date by completing this form.

This information will be maintained carefully by the College and the Ex-Students' Union per the College's Privacy Policy.


The Vincentia newsletter is put together with the latest information on and from the ex-students of St Vincent's College. Vincentia is published as part of the College's publication Scientia cum Religione.

All members of the Ex-students' Union are entitled to receive each issue Scientia cum Religione.

For more information please email